Tuesday, July 29, 2008


It's time to take a bow. Today, I'm going home. Several years ago, I couldn't imagine myself saying that about any city other then New York. But as everybody knows, things change. I loved reuniting with all of my friends, particularly Dave, with whom I spent most of my time in NYC, and Lori, with whom I stayed this past weekend in a friend's Central Park West apartment that has the most spectacular view of Manhattan ever (photos to come in a future post). I secretly wish they'd all just move down to Buenos Aires so that we could all live happily ever after.

That, of course, won't be happening. Although all of my friends who have visited BA have loved it (except for Dave, who has made it very clear to everyone but me that he despised the place), they all have commitments that keep them in the U.S. The irony is that one picks up and moves to another continent because of those commitments (to break free of them), but that's something that people have to figure out and do on their own timetable. Sort of like coming out. Also like coming out, some people never actually do it.

I'll be back in November for another wedding. Dave won't be here because he'll be in Vegas for Madonna's shows there. I'll only stay for a few days next time, long enough to go to the wedding and to clean out my storage space in Brooklyn. I'm already dreading the trip. Sure, it'll be great to see my friends again, but, you know, I'm so, like, over la gran manzana.

New York, we had a great run. Now, the show is over, say goodbye.

Here, a song about departures and my all-time favorite Smiths track, named for my second favorite city (after BA, of course).

The Smiths: "London"


  1. Oh boy, I love The Smiths!! Perfect choice!

  2. Ah, London. I love the song almost as much as I love the city.
