Thursday, July 17, 2008


How lucky is Steve Carell? Not only does he topline a successful TV show (The Office, soon to enter its fifth season), but he's also one of Hollywood's most dependable box-office draws, with Oscar-caliber leading ladies like Juliette Binoche (Dan in Real Life), Catherine Keener (The 40-Year-Old Virgin), Toni Collette (Little Miss Sunshine) and Anne Hathaway (Get Smart). Plus, he gets to present TV Land Awards to The Golden Girls (see photo above and video below). Going where Jennifer Aniston and Helen Hunt (despite her Oscar) couldn't really go before, Steve proves that you can simultaneously be a huge TV and movie star. Meanwhile, Jim Carrey is becoming increasingly irrelevant, and Adam Sandler has settled back into his dumbed-down comfort zone after taking on a few "serious" roles. Something tells me Steve will beat them both to an Oscar nomination.


  1. What about Alec Baldwin? He's successfully done both TV and movies.

  2. I love Alec in 30 Rock, but I'm afraid his movie star days are behind him. He's doing well as a supporting character actor, but he hasn't carried a hit movie since (I think) The Hunt for Red October.

  3. True, true. 30 Rock is really quite brilliant, isn't it. "Your hair is your head suit."
