Thursday, January 1, 2009


Another year bites the dust! So long 2008. I'm in Bogotá, Colombia, with my friend Jeffrey, anticipating a rather interesting night. The past 12 months were nothing to rant or rave about, but they were certainly an improvement over 2007, a year that found me struggling, sometimes less than successfully, with my new life in my adopted country. Let's hope for a continued upward trajectory in 2009.

I rarely do New Year's resolutions, but in the coming year I resolve to be true to myself and to march to my own drum; to suffer fools less gladly; to focus on the people who contribute to my life, not detract from it; to embrace my family, not the one I was born into but the one I chose and that chose me; to act my age and to remain young at heart. My wish list: more good times, more good friends, more good music, more good movies, a few good men and maybe, just maybe, at long last, love.

Happy New Year to all and to all a good night full of pleasant surprises. Thanks for reading!

P.S. I found the two photos above on the Huffington Post today and decided to post them just because I like them.

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