Monday, February 23, 2009


As a writer, every so often I read something that makes me absolutely green with envy. Of course, there's Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan," my all-time favorite poem, with the following unforgettable (and unfathomable) passage:

"A damsel with a dulcimer
In a vision once I saw
It was an Abyssinian maid
And on her dulcimer she played Singing of Mount Abora
Could I revive within me
Her symphony and song
To such a deep delight 'twould win me"

But if legend is to be believed, Coleridge had the benefit of opium. A more attainable level of eloquence appeared in my former colleague Steve Daly's Entertainment Weekly review of the 2000 Madonna film The Next Best Thing. It began with the wisecrack "Note to Madonna: If and when you make another movie — and judging from your latest, you should quit while you're behind..." That one still makes me howl with laughter.

Another envy inducer was the final line of Arion Berger's Rolling Stone review of Curve's 1992 CD, Doppelganger, that described the overall work as "a fuzzy nightmare from which you wake up dancing." I couldn't have written it better myself -- although I tried (read my own People magazine review here). Last night I went to my new favorite Buenos Aires party, Ambar La Fox, and though the music was slightly less rock & roll than the previous two Saturday nights, it still beat anything any other club in BA that I've been to has to offer. (I also met Alejandro, tall, dark, handsome, and a modest, refreshing change of pace from the majority of Argentine guys I've met in the last year.) Words cannot express how impressed I am that any DJ would dust off Elastica's great 1995 slice of pop, "Connection," for a few spins. Here's hoping that the Ambar DJ will eventually get around to Curve's "FaƮt Accompli," perhaps the sexiest 4:13 of rock & roll disco ever. Any song that contains the lines "I've come to crush your bones/I've come come to make you feel good/I've come to mess with your head/Cause it'll make you feel good" is okay with me. Watch it below.

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