Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I'm no fan of intentional one-night stands (or as way too many guys on Manhunt put it, sex sin vueltas). I think they reduce people to objects, and they leave anyone with even a hint of a soul feeling a little bit empty. But I can understand why people indulge. There is something to be said for being able to hook up with someone and just allowing yourself to be in the moment. And when the person leaves, there's no agonizing over whether he (or she) will or won't call.

But then, avoiding all those games people play can only take you so far. Good romantic things only come to those who are willing to put their hearts in the line of fire. If you spend your life running from love and commitment out of fear (and I think this is what the majority of people who basically hang one-night-only signs above their beds are doing), you miss out on all the joy that love can bring. Or rather, the joy I've heard that love can bring. I'm not so sure that I've ever truly been in love (though not for lack of wishing, hoping and thinking that I was), so I'm basing my strong convictioins completely on word of mouth.

Five great one-night stand songs:
  1. "Help Me Make It Through The Night" Sammi Smith (see video below)
  2. "Fastlove" George Michael
  3. "Johnny One Time" Brenda Lee
  4. "Tight-Fitting Jeans" Conway Twitty
  5. "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You" Heart

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