Wednesday, June 17, 2009


My how far the stars of the '90s and the early '00s have fallen. Reese Witherspoon, this could be you some day. Anne Hathaway is hot on your tail. While it's nice to see 44-year-old Sandra Bullock romancing 32-year-old Ryan Reynolds onscreen (if guys can do it, girls can too), is a Green Card rehash the career rehabilitation that Sandra desperately needs? At least it's got Betty White, which is always a plus. But what will it do for the always slightly B-list Sandra (forever in the shadow of Julia Roberts, who could use some good luck of her own)? We'll find out after this weekend, when the film opens wide in North America.

I think Sandra needs to stretch a little, go the Marisa Tomei route and take a supporting role in an indie film, something that challenges her and changes the way everyone perceives her. It worked for Marisa in The Wrestler. I'm not convinced that Sandra could pull off such a subtle, devastating performance (her dramatic changes of pace in Hope Floats, 28 Days, Divine Secrets Of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood and Crash, while hardly embarassments, were more wooden than golden), but if she continues playing cute as she heads into the second half of her 40s, she might find herself as under-employed as former American sweetheart Meg Ryan, who is probably a flop or two away from a guest arc on Grey's Anatomy.

If it could happen to Oscar winner (and three-time nominee) Faye Dunaway, it could happen to anyone.

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