Monday, July 6, 2009


There's nothing like a grueling run followed by comfort food (spaghetti con salsa rosa) and a fun night out with friends to chase away the blues. Saturday was one of those nights, filled with great friends, strong booze, excellent music, lots of dancing and a few boys on the side. I may have woken up a little worse for wear on Sunday afternoon, surrounded by the damage from Hurricane Jeremy (with a little help from Tropical Storm Matias), but at least I had a great big smile on my face. After spending nearly two months worth of Saturday nights waxing romantic in hibernation mode (yawn!), it was nice to get out and live again.

My one burning question: When did the boys of BA become so omnisexual. Suddenly, my straight girlfriends and I are both competing for the same guys -- and both getting lucky! Call it equal opportunity scoring. In this game, everybody wins. Can't wait for the next match. Let the games begin -- again!


  1. Hey Jeremy!
    See I told u sometimes I come visit the blog.. do u remember? Yeah, that was Saturday at the Ambar. We really had a good time, it was nice to see you!

    We'll have to catch up on certain things.. bc we usually see each other at parties at crazy hours, pretty much buzzed :p

  2. Gasti! It was definitely one for the record books. Do you like how I used a photo from Rheo? I sort of hate Rheo, but I didn't have anything from Ambar!
