Thursday, August 27, 2009


I stumbled across this Fiona Apple/Elvis Costello performance of Fiona's "Tymps (The Sick In The Head Song)" on YouTube the other day while searching for Elvis's Painted From Memory performances with Burt Bacharach. How do I love thee, Fiona? Let me count the ways. 1) I love you when you're moody. 2) I love you when you're broody. 3) I love you when you're gloomy. 4) I love you when you're doomy. 5) And I really love you when you call the world "bullshit" while accepting an MTV VMA. Need I go on? I interviewed her way back when she was 19 and had just released her debut album, Tidal, and it was love at first sight. I just wish she wouldn't wait so many aeons between albums. I recently realized that Amy Winehouse reminds me a lot of her, and not just because of her difficult and messy public persona post-breakthrough. "Fast As You Can," possibly Fiona's best song, and "You Know I'm No Good," definitely Amy's best, easily could have come from the same warped, dangerous mind.

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