Friday, September 18, 2009


Whitney Houston has never been known for her groundbreaking videos, so my hopes weren't particularly high for the video of her new single, "Million Dollar Bill." But then she went and surpassed my low expectations by a mile and then some. Groundbreaking it is, of course, not, and it didn't have to be. It just had to be good, and instead, it's great. It's been nearly 25 years since Whitney's first video, "You Give Good Love," and I'm not sure how she's done it, but at 46, she looks younger and sexier than ever. (Love the curve-hugging hot pink dress and out-of-control bling!) Is 46 the new 26 or what? This is the Whitney I've been waiting her entire career to see: confident, happy, classy, sassy, comfortable in her skin, thoroughly modern -- and there's not a choreographed routine, back-up dancer or guest rapper in sight. I'm going to call this a comeback. Welcome back, Whitney. Finally!

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