Thursday, September 3, 2009


Today I took my afternoon jog down memory lane. For the first time in years, I listened to Def Leppard's excellent 1987 pop-metal opus, Hysteria. Ah, the memories! My first year at the University of Florida, living in the Hume Hall dorm, calculus, pizza and Brass Monkey. As I huffed and puffed to the rhythm of the falling drizzle, one song in particular, the album cut "Gods Of War," rocked me like a hurricane. Not only did Def Leppard nail the post-millennial American psycho -- er, psyche -- nearly a decade and a half before September 11 left its indelible mark, but I realized that George W. Bush must have plagiarized his entire War Against Terrorism script from the Ronald Reagan audio clip at the song's coda. "You can run, but you can't hide"? Yeah, original.

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