Thursday, January 21, 2010


Sold! My apartment in New York City is in someone else's hands now, and I'm once again filled with wanderlust. First stop, New York City on February 17. Then London. Then Istanbul. Then who knows? When will I be back in Buenos Aires? April at the earliest. Maybe May. Maybe never. (Well, not never. I still have my apartment here.)

The third leg of my upcoming journey was a toss up between Istanbul, Beirut and Cape Town. Beirut was coming out on top until I turned to a Time Out colleague, who'd recently moved there to edit Time Out Beirut, for advice. His review wasn't glowing. I don't know whether I was turned off by the story about his fumbling to bed in the dark without electricity, or the deadly car bomb blast that lead to that particular power outage.

Whatever. After spending four years and four months living in the Third World, there'll be no skimping on creature comforts. Oh, and after watching The Hurt Locker this past weekend, getting blown to smithereens is not high on my to-do list.

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