Thursday, March 18, 2010


What happened to Aretha Franklin's A Woman Falling Out Of Love project. Though I have never been one to eagerly anticipate a new Aretha Franklin album, this one's excellent title had me intrigued. Would its contents be as stellar? I first heard about it years ago, and it's been delayed and delayed to the point where I wonder if it ever actually existed.

But according to Aretha's Wikipedia page, it does indeed exist. It will feature a duet with Faith Hill and will now be released in 201o. I'll believe it when I hear it. In the meantime, here are six great songs about women falling out of love.

"When You Get Right Down To It" by Phyllis Hyman My favorite song by one of the criminally underrated artists of modern times. So elegant, so assured and so heartbreaking -- even though it's about a heart on the mend.

"I Used To Love Him" by Lauryn Hill and Mary J. Blige "Lost Ones" aside, this was the highlight from The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. It still gives me goosebumps. Hill's and Blige's voices fit so well together -- at times I can't even tell which is which. They should consider recording an entire duet album if Hill can ever pull herself together again.

"Believe" by Cher No list of songs about life after love would be complete without the one that put Cher permanently back on the map in the late '90s. Without it, would we even still care about her today?

"Nah!" by Shania Twain When I first heard this song from Shania's Up CD, I secretly wanted someone to love me and leave me just so I could sing "Nah!" right in his face a few months later.

"Delayed Devotion" by Duffy She who laughs last laughs hardest. He who cries last... well, misses his chance. One of my favorite tracks from Rockferry.

"Up Out My Face" by Mariah Carey The kiss off of the century! Read all about it here.

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