Saturday, October 22, 2011

CC-Uh Oh: Does Sex Sell Casualwear?

Answer: Yes, when you cast sexy models to actually wear the clothes.

So I'm not sure what sales pitch CC-OO (as in CC DOUBLE O) in Siam Center in Bangkok is trying to make with its in-store ad campaign (see above and below). That you will have an amazing body when you take off its clothes? That two hot, topless guys are better than one (especially when one of them appears to be bottomless, too)? That homoeroticism is an excellent marketing tool?

I suppose that when you have Gisele selling Esprit across the walkway, one needs to be bold to be noticed. She's no visual slouch, even when she's dressed neck to hips in multiple layers of fabrics that are likely to cause death by heatstroke in Bangkok's boiling autumn weather? CC-OO had to bring out the big guns.


CC-OO's heavy artillery certainly got my attention and kept it long enough to take these photos of its illuminated in-store ads.

But I still have no idea what the clothes look like.

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