Monday, October 10, 2011


Shouldn't an Oscar-nominated actor like James Franco have better things to do? Dance with apes? Cut off his right arm? Get baked with Seth Rogen? Make out with Sean Penn on a subway station platform? Didn't he torture us enough co-hosting the Academy Awards last February?

Must he keep popping up in Port Charles every six months or so to throw a spanner in the works? With Katie Couric's upcoming talk show set to take over General Hospital's 3pm time slot next year, what will be ABC's sole remaining daytime soap come January is already a stinking, sinking ship. Each time Franco's character shows up -- he's conveniently named Franco and recently returned to GH for the first time since a mercifully brief appearance last Oscar season -- he's like a dead weight dropped in the middle of the grand ballroom.

Lord knows, GH already has enough problems onscreen: a young harridan -- I mean, heroine -- who spends most of her screen time shrieking at anyone who crosses her path (that would be awful Lulu, played by the awesome Julie Marie Berman), the dullest happy couple on earth (sorry JaSam fans, and I know there are a lot of you out there), and a crybaby drug-addicted hero named Lucky who deserves a story worthy of his name.

With so many talented vets sitting on the sidelines -- like Alexis and Monica, brought back to prominence at the beginning of Garin Wolf's writing regime before once again being sacrificed to mob wars -- the last thing the show needs is a pointless character eating up precious screen time. Franco (the character and the actor) is like the hammy supper-time entertainment you're forced to pay attention to when you'd much rather be gossiping and drinking.

What's his motivation? Why does a guy with such a sweet mom -- played by the actor's real-life mother -- get his kicks killing for his art? Why is he so obsessed with Jason Morgan?

Yes, when you're a soap executive producer and an actor of Franco's caliber and talent wants to be on your show, how do you say no? You don't. But neither should you create a pointless character who exists in a vacuum with the most boring male lead in daytime. (For a professional killer, Jason Morgan has absolutely no edge.) If they must keep Franco around, they should link him to the canvas by making him Johnny Zacchara's demented brother or Helena Cassadine's secret grandson.

Years ago (1981, to be exact), when Elizabeth Taylor wanted in on GH, Gloria Monty created the glamorous mysterious Helena Cassadine character especially for her, and a major GH clan was born. Thirty years later, Helena, played by Constance Towers since 1997, is still on the canvas, wreaking havoc all over Port Charles and beyond. Franco, whom 80-year-old Helena could crush while filing her nails, gets more story than Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis Davis, a Cassadine) and Leslie Charleson (Monica Quartermaine) even when, due to his more-pressing big-screen commitments, the actor is offscreen. Having characters allude to him to remind viewers that he exists only highlights how unnecessary he is.

Five years from now, long after Franco the actor has lost interest in being the subversive A-lister who dared to star on a daytime soap, will Franco the character still be around? Not a chance. But then, given its current downward trajectory, neither will GH.


  1. Couldn't agree more! The idea had potential, but the story telling has been pointless, with not many tie in's or explaination through backstory. I would much rather see Alexis trying to hid who Sam's real dad is ( and I hate Jasam by the way - super boring and pointless relationship) and I would LOOOVE to see evil Sam come back out. You want to talk about awakening an awesome actress! She is so interesting and fun to watch as evil Sam. The wasted stories and lack of tie in or motivation on GH is really.... well weird.

  2. Franco chasin' Jaysin' serves to the hit man with a heart of gold who only kills badder guys than he's still da hero coddled in writing.

    Also to give his vanilla pairing some angst (just had medical) because they only write them to look good, to be liked, to be popular rumor has had it for years via an insider it’s a Frons mandate they can't be written with a negative focus so what can you do with them? So they can’t have angst like other soap couples lying, cheating, or successive WTD triangles, etc

    Since they‘re both criminals what better way than to continue propping them as the best thing since slice bread as to keep the movie star in their story as a whack job still terrorizing all that “Jason cares about.” Even though this Jason three part storyline has flopped three times maybe a fourth time will be the winner.

    Me? I would have written Franco to be the reason Jake died but they were too busy making Elizabeth take the blame and for Franco kidnapping Aiden which didn’t make a lick of sense so they tagged him with 66 hospital bracelet (even though the Quartermaine mansion is 66 Harborview Road)

    Oh that’s right it’s only those Jason cares about.

  3. OMG, I thought I was the one that didn't see the point of Franco. He coming back to kidnap Sam, what a surprise,yeah right. so old thing with sorriest couple that GH has pimp the hardest and the only ones that enjoy this boring couple if Mr. Frond and the JaSam fan that felt the wedding was the bomb. Here I'm feeling sad for them but was told buy them it was the best.

    Yes like the other poster stated,this couple was not to be touch and now we have to watch a boring couple act like they are in love. I thought Sam was going to be my Faith but Mr.Frond wanted her character clean up and that is what he got. She has been whitewashed to nothing, she doesn't have to act and as a actor/actress is sad because she will not be interesting to those that can give her next job.
    What happy to Monica and the Q's just brought back to pimp Jatank. Where is Diane,Alexis,Mac stop bring all these new character when the main ones are not being use.

    I Waiting for GW do something that mr. Frond doesn't want to show that he is really the head writer.

  4. OMG, I thought I was the one that didn't see the point of Franco. He is coming back to kidnap Sam, what a surprise,yeah right. same old thing with sorriest couple that GH has pimp the hardest and the only ones that enjoy this boring couple is Mr. Frons and the JaSam fan that felt the wedding was the bomb. Here I'm feeling sad for them but was told by them it was the best.

    Yes like the other poster stated,this couple was not to be touch and now we have to watch a boring couple act like
    they are in love. I thought Sam was going to be my Faith
    but Mr.Frons wanted her character clean up and that is
    what he got. She has been whitewashed to nothing, she doesn't have to act and as a actor/actress is sad because she will not be interesting to those that can give her next job.

    What happen to Monica and the Q's just brought back to pimp Jatank. Where is Diane,Alexis,Mac stop bring all these new character when the main ones are not being use.

    I Waiting for GW do something that mr. Frond doesn't want to show that he is really the head writer.
