Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Gay "Cougar": Why the Men I Date Keep Getting Younger

If thoughts can travel like words, somewhere in Australia, my last ex-boyfriend's ears must be ringing off the hook. Painful as loving and losing him may have been (and still is), I have absolutely no regrets. Not only did my relationship with him provide years worth of fodder for drunken bar talk (most recently, last night at Orphanage in Cape Town with my friend Rob, who is visiting from London), but it also gave me a surplus of material of my forthcoming book, Is It True What They Say about Black Men?: Tales of Love, Lust and Language Barriers on the Other Side of the World, as well as inspiration for my first Huffington Post piece.

If we were to play the Sex and the City game with the guys on Looking, who would my counterpart character be?

That's easy: I'm so Dom. It's not that we have similar temperaments, because we don't. Not the way Miranda and I did. And it's not just about our closeness in age. (Dom turned 40 in the show's sixth episode; I'll be 45 in May.) It's more for the way we love and lust, which I suppose makes our connection more like the one I used to have with Samantha.
(Click here to read the rest of the article.)

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